Sophie Pearce
This months Mami Mode we talked to Sophie Pearce.

Read full intreview here:
Can you tell us about Beyond the Bump, what inspired you to start this podcast?
It started when I was pregnant with our second bub, Goldie when Poppy was almost 2 years old. The Motherhood space was really different back then (5 years ago). I had been through a miscarriage before my first child and I felt like no one spoke about it then.
I had HG with my pregnancies and felt like no one was speaking about that too. So, I wanted to create a space where more taboo topics were discussed openly. I had become friends with Jayde on Instagram and she was, at the time, super open about her journey through postpartum depression. I contacted her to gauge interest in being interviewed on a podcast about this, and she hit me with the uno reverse card and asked if I wanted a co-host instead!
A few months into starting the podcast, Covid went down. So, mothers were feeling more isolated than ever, seeking information, company and entertainment and that was what we were (and still are) able to offer. I still pinch myself that I somehow managed to turn gasbagging into my job.
How do you manage being a mama of three and your business?
With a LOT of help! My husband has a super flexible job too, so we 50/50 share all parenting responsibilities. Before heading off in the caravan, my eldest was in school, my middle child was in preschool and my youngest had a nanny 2 days a week. Now that we’ve headed off in the caravan, we have no other support, so maybe get back to me about the juggle in a couple of months—there might be a few more balls on the ground.
My joint iCal with my husband is my lifeline! Our assistant and manager with the podcast are lifesavers too. I've also learned to outsource whenever it makes sense financially.
What has the lifestyle change from city to coast taught you?
Ohhh interesting question! I only had one year after school in Melbourne before moving up north and have never lived in a city as a parent so much has changed that it’s hard to know what affected what.
But I feel like when I lived in Melbourne, I cared way more about brands, but now I am more attracted to what I like or what functions well rather than what the brand is.
My lifestyle revolves so much around being outside, and I think this would be very different if I still lived in Melbourne.
It’s easy to get stuck in the day-to-day—what advice would you have for mums struggling to pursue their travelling for a year in a caravan!
I think it's so easy to get stuck in the "shoulds" of life. Now, I want to be self-aware and acknowledge that some of the choices I've been able to make in life have been due to some privileges. But before having kids I was working as a doctor, and once I had my first child diving straight back into that didn't feel right, which has led (7 years down the track) to a very flexible work life. My eldest started school last year and it was a huge change for our family that we didn't love, we craved adventure, and that is why we have decided to head off in the caravan.
Now, I'm not saying everyone should change their career or pack up their life and hit the road, but I am saying, sometimes we need to step back and assess what feels right in life vs. what we're doing because it's the status quo or the thing you think you "should" be doing. Then, think about what other options you have and begin to move in that direction.
What’s a piece of advice that’s stuck with you early in your podcasting journey?
Oh gosh, sometimes I wish I could go back to the mindset I had when we were in the early days of the podcast. We weren't as established, and there weren't as many listeners, but because of this, there was less criticism and noise, and I felt like I could say exactly what I felt and be authentically myself. I let fear get in the way last year and truly censored myself. This year, my goal is to not operate out of fear anymore, so watch this space!
So, one piece of advice is: don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't go to for advice. I wish I lived by this more but it's a work in progress!
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a mum and businesswoman?
Isn't this terrible but when you call me a businesswoman, I feel like such a phony. I know this is such typical female self-doubt and imposter syndrome but I feel so ill-equipped to offer advice on this. So let me just squash that discomfort down a little bit and pretend.
I remember early on in the podcast we had Eleanor Pendleton on who's the founder of Gritty Pretty. She said we need to stop striving for balance all the time and that the juggle is not always going to be equal. There will be weeks when your family requires 70% of your energy or time and you have to divvy up the other 30% between work, self-care, friends etc. And, then on the flip side, there will be weeks that your work takes up a huge percentage and self-care or friends may be at 0%. I think this is so important to remember because if we are always striving for a completely harmonious balance, we will always feel like we're failing.
What got you through those early days as a mum of three? Especially after having difficult pregnancies?
Honestly, I feel like I don't find the direct postpartum days as difficult because I find pregnancy so hard!! In those first few weeks, I was just so relieved not to be vomiting all day every day that most things feel manageable in comparison.
I am a mum that loves to get out and about so getting a hang of that juggle as early as possible definitely helped me. I am all about "combining the chaos" with friends—getting together for a weeknight dinner and wine, doing the kid's evening routines together then going off to your own home. Or meeting friends and eating dinner in a park so there's less clean-up, then going home to bed.
How would you define your style and how has it evolved?
I just try to have fun and be comfy! My style has evolved a lot!! I used to take getting dressed so seriously—lots of neutrals, basics, "sad beige mum" you know the vibe. I used to dress my kids the same and it wasn't until my two eldest got to the age that they had a strong opinion about the way they dressed—which was generally lots of colour, clashing prints and probably some flammable elements—that I started to see how joyous dressing could be. They have definitely inspired me to experiment with more colour, and prints and just have fun with it.
What are your go-to wardrobe items that always make you feel good?
An oversized tee, a little mini skirt or lace skirt, a colourful necklace, fun sunnies and a cool cap.
Who inspires you most?
My husband for his patience and doesn't give a fuck attitude (I'd love 10% of both of these please).
My mum—the most efficient rock of a human I have ever met.
My kids—their ability to make a decision and stick to that guns blazing until I crumble and give in is inspirational.
Also, honestly you, Liv, inspire me so much! I know that sounds like a circle jerk but I said that in an interview that had nothing to do with you, so you know it's true. You're a workhorse but you seem to have so much fun while you do it.
Any advice for women struggling to feel confident in their body/mind?
First of all, know that that's so normal! We as mothers go through so much change. I think that body positivity and emphasis on self-love are amazing, but sometimes it almost makes us feel like being confronted by change is wrong. It is totally natural to have feelings about ourselves changing. You can love your children, be proud of what your body has done and still feel uncomfortable with changes.
I feel like I have got to a place of acceptance in my body. Some days I love it, some days I don't feel comfortable with it but most days I just accept it. One thing I would recommend to all pregnant women is instead of spending all your money on things for the baby, put a bit of money aside for yourself postpartum. Instead of forcing yourself back into a pair of pants, buy a new pair! I promise they'll look better and feel better. Clothes should fit you, you shouldn't have to fit into them. And just experiment with different fits until you find a formula that suits you best.
Top three favourite brands!
I always find this question so hard cause I shop all over the place but
Lottie Hall, Venroy and By Billie.
What are your top three favourite podcasts right now...other than Beyond the Bump of course?
The three podcasts that I listen to week in and week out are Shameless, We Don't Have Time for This and Mama Mia Outloud.